You can check out a book for up to 28 days, and you can renew it twice.
To Renew Electronically:
- You will first need to access the GIL Catalog.
- Select Sign-in (top right) and use your MyGCSU information.
- Next select My Account - you will see a list of active loans.
- Check the box next to each item to be renewed.
- Then click the Renew Items button.
To Renew in Person:
- Call the Circulation Desk at (478) 445-4047 or visit the Library.
Renewals are Not Permitted When:
- A hold has been placed on an item by another patron
- A patron's status is "BLOCKED" for fines of $10 or more
- A patron's status is "BLOCKED" for overdues of the following amounts:
- Students = 5
- Faculty/Staff = 5
- Patron Card Holders = 5
- ANY overdue GIL Express item
- A patron has reached the maximum number of renewals